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Automatic backups and file restore

How to restore files to «Before cleanup» state?

Restore files from repository

Restore per file
You can restore automatically cleaned or deleted files using trashbox icon on antivirus cleanup report section or using the switcher (Current file / Backup) in the built-in File editor by clicking it from the malware removal report. You can restore cleaned or deleted files over the last 30 days. Neutralized copies of infected files to be restored are stored in the repository on your server

Abort all clenaup
Abort all changes (cleaned or deleted files) by automatic antivirus in one click. Just click on link on cleanup report block to restore all changed files along last cleanup report.

Restore all file from backup in one click

For best file management and code analysis use file manager with malicious code highlighting that perfectly built-in service tools.

Website Firewall
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