Once you understand how you can simply combine your own "dirty work" with Virusdie to start offering customers complex website security services under your own name and at your own prices, we recommend offering services at rates that will ensure they remain in demand. To offer your customers complex website security services, you'll certainly want to have an Agency account. This way, you can save time creating monthly reports for your customers, so you can work more efficiently. So, here are our recommended price ranges:
$35 – $75 per month, per site, if your customers pay on a monthly basis; or $350 – $750 per year, per site, if your customers pay on a yearly basis (this way, your customers get a discount on your services if they pay for a full year). What we recommend including in your security service package for your customers:
- Removal of viruses from customers' sites (including removal of viruses from already compromised sites);
- Vulnerability patching for your customers' sites, as well as plugin and CMS updates;
- Professional technical support;
- Daily site scans for viruses and vulnerabilities;
- Always-on website firewall protection;
- Removal of websites from blacklists;
An Agency account is available on the 25-site and unlimited plans. To use an Agency account, simply choose one of these plans in the Billing section of menu to the left of your Virusdie dashboard, or click "Share per-site reports with your customer" for any site in your list (or in the settings for the desired site) and follow the simple instructions shown.