The day old Free Plan passed away… It is time to choose your new one!
Dear friends! It is time to say goodbye to old Free Plan. That was a happy time surounds with a hippy spirit along Public-Alpha. And today the old Free Plan passed away. And we lay all its benefits and freedoms in a 6-feet hole as well. It is time to pray on it 🙁
You’re already on a new Free Plan described through a new pricing grid you can find by the link below and you can add just 1 site along that new Free Plan.
This, of course, feels not too good to you. But we must think first about those who use Virusdie SaaS in regular way and use all its features. And we must take this step to free up resources and technical support for them.
If you are ready to be among the best, you can choose one of the new paid plans today, or take advantage of the exclusive Black Friday deal and buy one of lifetime offers on PitchGround right now.