December updates announcement: get more reports to you and your clients!
To deliver more sense of calm to you, we announce the list of important updates you may get right this December on Virusdie.com. This is just a summary, and only major visible updates mentioned there below. So this December we have focus on how you can interact with your clients better and how you can deliver them the sense of control over the situation over their websites by sending them reports.
And how you can feel in control of your situation getting summary reports from Virusdie too. That is what you’re all waiting for, and that is most important feature for white-label accounts, especially 🙂
The list of expected updates:
– Weekly summary reports on the status of all your sites in the main dashboard and about incidents happened;
– The same weekly summary reports on the status of sites to all your Clients (reports are white-labeled when you’re on white-label Agency account);
– White-label scan/cleanup reports sharing from your master dashboard to any email (now not white-labled sharing possible only);
– PDF reports downloading to you and your clients (white-labeled for white-label Agency account holders);
– and lot of other updates and improvements 🙂