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Update 185 Virusdie weekly improvements and stability

Hello dear pirates of Virusdie. Here is the weekly update pack. Working hard to provide better service and the software for you, so we do that step-by-step. And here it is – the regular weekly pack of updates for sync stability, bulk operations and some bugs were fixed as well.

Sync stability

Now, if Virusdie detects connection issue with your website or can’t connect to your website, it tries twice – not once as previously. So if that was a glitch with connection – Virusdie do not alert you about false sync problem. That literally leads to lower frequency you can get an incorrect the synchronisation alert even there are no any.

The number of websites connected – missed

That was a bug for the new version of Virusdie v.5.5. When you can’t view the number of websites connected at your dashboard. Now fixed.

Firewall installation alert

Now you got the specific alert that we can’t detect your CMS behind your website, to install the website firewall.

Generic alert modal window

After the Virusdie v.5.5 release the announcement modal window been missed at your dashboard. Now fixed.

Operation log

There was a bug for reports those older than first 3 reports on top of your operation log. There were no any details or descriptions. Now fixed.

Sync error modal alert

Now the sync error alert opens even when you open your website sidebar. That was the scenario migrated from the old version of Virusdie and that helps you navigate easily and smoothly across sidebars and the website list.

IP white list and black list bulk adding

Now you can add IP addresses at website white or a blacklist in a bulk. Not just one by one! Just use the link ADD MULTIPLE ITEMS at the settings tab on website sidebar.

Hope, you found this update helpful 🙂

Ilia Malyshev,
Founder and CEO at Virusdie.


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