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Virusdie on Polyswarm Marketplace

Virusdie joins Polyswarm marketplace to deliver top-notch malware detection to a community:

Here is what Virusdie Co-Founder and CEO Elijah Malyshev had to say about PolySwarm:

“The main job of antivirus products is to give people a sense of calm — a sense of control. But it’s not so easy for people today to get this feeling simply by installing one protection system.

Antivirus companies compete amongst themselves in terms of virus detection rates, and are thus unwilling to share relevant data with each other. As a result, people often have to use several security systems from different vendors at the same time. Of course, this is completely different from how we imagine convenience. Instead of calm, people get more annoyances. The idea of ​​a ‘council of antivirus’ solves this problem, combining the opinions of different detection tools into a single common opinion. I am overwhelmingly pleased that PolySwarm embodies the idea of ​​reconciling antivirus with reality, and I am sure that people and companies using PolySwarm will finally be able to experience the sense of calm they are striving for. We are incredibly happy to help PolySwarm in this mission.”

Find out more on Polyswarm blog.
