DEC 13, 2024 | Update 191: Announcing the new Virusdie user interface 2025 – the biggest UI rebuild since 2014. Coming Q1 2025.
Many years we’ve been living with you and with our Virusdie user interface. The current version of user interface represented on May 2014 the first time – 10 years ago! There were lot of changes since that first release, lot of new options. Lot of new customers 🙂
Meanwhile, the more we grow, the more we catch that our old user interface can’t handle all those features and options we want to release. And that is just impossible to add new feature to the old UI/UX architecture. Simply, we can’t cover all of that and can’t go fast without some new UI approach or a new UI paradigm.
So, it is time to prepare to say goodbye to our old user interface and say Hi to the new one. The new UI module-based structure, at first, much more easy to scale and implement new features and options. And that works for all type of things we want to deliver to you next years! Much more transparent and straightforward navigation and page views, new navigation elements and action elements, smooth color – all of that will help you interact with the service in more intuitive way. And that new UI will let us go faster in development!
The first thing based on new UI approach we’ll announce – is the new website firewall. Coming soon, as been declared a couple of weeks ago. Then, or even the same time, we’ll release the brand new design system and the new UI for mostly all of user interface section. Then, we’ll rebuild secondary sections of the UI and letters and reports as well, to be relevant to the new design code.
We believe, the new UI is coming Q1 2025!
What is new? Everything is new!
1. The new design code
2. New colors
3. New action elements
4. New structure based on blocks and modules
5. New group operations with elements
6. More space and mostly all modal windows going to be replaced with sidebars!
What now?
Some of new UI screens are attached in our Facebook group as comments to the last post about that update there. So you can scroll that and check how it looks like and how it will work. And we’re waiting for your feedback if we forgot something to implement there! Waiting your feedback right here in our Facebook post about that upcoming release: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1DvfjehHos/?.
Hope, you found this update helpful 🙂
Ilia Malyshev,
Founder and CEO at Virusdie.
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