UPGRADE 146 | The brand new dashboard view saves almost 1 day of your life a year! So you can spend it on something you really love!
Hello brave pirate of Virusdie! Day by day we’re working hard to let you spend less time interacting with Virusdie due to more automation and clearness of navigation. So you do not need to spend your time studying and practicing to use Virusdie – no manual needed – that is our vision from the beginning. And that is why, today, we announcing the brand new approach for your website list (main dashboard)! That save more than 3 minutes of your life each time you interact with Virusdie user interface! And if you use Virusdie daily – it saves you almost One Day a year! So get a day more vacation or just have a good day without website security – you deserve it! It is really cool using Virusdie you can save you time to spend it on something you really love! That is what Virusdie is for you! 🙂
New features and improvements
For Virusdie website list
– Clear features view for A-users. For A-users (in an accordance to A/B-test) there is a new website block on the website list. Now reactive and proactive features are on separate blocks! The first biggest block with a scan wheel contains reactive scan results. And the second block is about level of your website protection 1, 2, 3, 4 of 5 points out of 5! So that is much more easy to find out if your website now have security issues or not, and more that – to find out what very security features now active on your website. Plus you can view website audit (scan) report right from the first block!
– A starship dashboard for B-users. For B-users there is a completely new simplified view of Virusdie dashboard. That contains all the data on one screen – the same way Virusdie WordPress plugin has. That approach helps you navigate tools faster – cos you do not need to spend your time clicking on Tools icon to find more details.
For left navigation bar
– Your workspace becomes wider! Previously, the left navigation bar was always open by default when your right (tools) side bar closed. And it made thinner when your tools right bar open. Now the left navigation bar always thin to let you use almost all the width of your screen for faster and clear navigation.
Upcoming updates for 2022 Virusdie Beta
– Bug fix and corrections for new website list A/B-test.
– Database automatic cleanup feature.
– Automatic backups and one-click recovery (cleanup abort) for files and database.
– Smooth onboarding from 1-site account to multisite account for B-test users.
– Brazil-portuguese language support for Virusdie landing.
– Smooth and straightforward main scenarios.
* all these available for new pre-beta Virusdie 2022 only! 🙂
Try Virusdie 2022 pre-beta now
How to try Virusdie 2022 pre-beta? It is simple — just click on big yellow button “TRY BETA” on top of your Virusdie dashboard! 🙂
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