UPGRADE 149 | Scan report simplification for the user interface, plus search improvements and other tiny updates.
Here is a weekly update for the new Virusdie 2022 pre-BETA. Now it is about scan report simple view on dashboard. And about search tool for mobile devices. Plus ton of tiny improvements those helps us go ahead next moment and next updates and implement a straightforward and simple scenarios for antivirus, firewall and patch management, for the new user interface of Virusdie. P.S. This update is not so huge, ‘cos a number of our developers got covid, so, that takes a week or 2 to way back to our standard team speed in terms of development.
New features and improvements
For website antivirus and patch manager
– A pirate simple wrapper. As it available on previous version of Virusdie UI, now there is a simplified alternative wrapper for each scan report (last scan report) with a pirate emotion and some text. That literally explain you in simple words what happened with your website and what we found and what next 🙂 That saves your time.
For user interface
– other tiny improvements and updates.
Upcoming updates for 2022 Virusdie Beta
– Smooth and straightforward main scenarios.
– Smooth onboarding from 1-site account to multisite account for B-test users.
– Updated virtual patch manager;
– Firewall update;
– Settings update;
– Reports update;
* all these available for new pre-beta Virusdie 2022 only! 🙂
Try Virusdie 2022 pre-beta now
How to try Virusdie 2022 pre-beta? It is simple — just click on big yellow button “TRY BETA” on top of your Virusdie dashboard! 🙂
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