Weekly Update | Not cleaned files now always on top to save your time!
Wasting your time to scroll through cleanup report? No more! All files those Virusdie can’t fix automatically (malware or vulnerabilities) are always on top now of your clean report on your dashboard! That really saves your time, ‘cos that was not so convenient before to scroll all your cleanup report to find files were not cleaned. That was annoying and infuriating! Now not cleaned files are automatically placed at the top of the report. No more wasting time on scrolling!
BUGFIX. For Blacklist monitoring
– Can’t (for some cases) get relevant result from blacklist monitoring micro-service – FIXED.
– Can’t (for some cases) update/recheck blacklist data on demand by clicking the re-check button – FIXED.
– Can’t (for some cases) get blacklist monitoring data instantly when adding a new site on your dashboard- FIXED.
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