Weekly Update | Introducing File editor 2.0. You won’t find yourself spending your time scolling the file conent to find the malware!
The new. Friendly. Yours! This is the new Virusdie file editor with malicious code highlighting and this is a new step along the vision you love. The first generation of the file editor was just awesome. You love it and we know it why 🙂 A malicious code highlighing, malware descriptions, lot of file details and even popular hot-keys like CTRL+S were supported there! And the same time, that was not so convinient to scroll the file content to find the highlighted code fragments. And the threat names takes lot of space at the left bar of the file editor. And that wasn’t so transparent you can click on the threat name to find more details and recommendations. Now the 2nd generation of the file editor is here to save even more of your time you spend on investigating infected code in files!
What’s new:
1. The list of all threats in file is always on your fingertips.
Now the summary of all malwares and vulnerabilities were found in file available on the bottom of the file editor in a simple grid form. Line by line with the details, like: the number of line in file where the threat begins; the threat name, type and a description. And you can click on Learn More link to find complete description and recommendations.
2. Do not spend your time scrolling the file from the first sight.
Now, when you open infected file in the file editor, it automatically scrolls down on the line where the infected code begins. Of course, that code highlighted 🙂
3. Jump from one infected code to another in the file in one click.
Whether one or many infections were found in one file, you can jump between in one click to investigate. Just click on any infection line in the summary table at the bottom of the file editor. File content scolls automatically on the line the infected code begins.
The new file editor is already available. And once you open any file in the file editor – you open it with the new file editor 2.0!
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