UPGRADE 157 | Cleanup and restore files and database rows individually with the new per-file / per-row cleanup. And view backup content right on file/database editor!
Hurray me pirates! At last, the per-file and per-site cleanup and restore available for the new Virusdie pre-beta user interface! More that, the backup viewer for files available as well! And it is the first time the brand new feature available – the backup viewer for cleaned database rows!
New features
– Per-file cleanup Now you can cleanup each file separately on the new user interface. Right from the scan report on your dashboard.
– Cleaned files recovery. Now for the new user interface you can restore cleaned files on one click. Use the report tab for that. Then, choose very report you want. Then, click on RESTORE icon to recover the file you need.
– Per-row cleanup Now you can clean each infected row in your website database individually.
– Cleaned row recovery. And you can restore all cleaned rows in your website database individually as well. Row by row!
– Backup viewer As it was available for the old user interface, the new user interface now support backup view as well. More that, it support backup view not only for files were cleaned, but for database rows as well! Right on file-editor and database-editor!
Upcoming updates and bug fix
– Email/alerts management tab update;
– More new reports and emails (new report templates, new types of alerts and info mails);
– The huge QA for the new user interface plus huge bugfix (now we don’t like how the new user interface works and how it looks like – too buggy and we have questions to UX as well. Big questions).
– Billing update;
– The new support system.
– The new Agency account management system;
* all these available for new pre-beta Virusdie 2022 only! 🙂
Try Virusdie 2022 pre-beta now
How to try Virusdie 2022 pre-beta? It is simple — just click on big yellow button “TRY BETA” on top of your Virusdie dashboard! 🙂
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