AUGUST 22, 2023 | Upgrade 175: Group operations improvement on dashboard plus upcoming updates announcement.
Hey hey, pirates of Virusdie. Here is the weekly update for Virusdie service. This one update is about group operations on your Virusdie dashboard. We were on vacations past 3 weeks so, that is why we passed some of updates for frontend (the backend updates are in time and on a daily basis, but these kind of updates is not the thing you can be interested in, directly we think 🙂
Group operations on dashboard
Did you know you can create groups and join your websites them, right on your dashboard? That helps you navigate across your sites faster and more that, to keep on eye your websites for each very of your customer. Anyway, that was a problem with that. If you remove one of group created – all your sites been removed from all the groups. Now fixed!
I believe this update helps you save some time 🙂
Ilia Malyshev,
Founder and CEO at Virusdie.
Upcoming updates
– 2023-2025 Master-plan release and goals (backend, frontend, features, mission, strategy and tactics);
– Multisite (5, 10, 20 sites and PRO plan tier) pivot roadmap release;
– Multi-mail setup for each website plus customer details for each website feature (for multisite customers);
– other PRO plan tier features updates and improvements.
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