AUGUST 24, 2023 | Episode #2: The Virusdie roadmap for 2024 – 2025. Key points, goals and the pipeline.
Hey pirates of Virusdie! Here is the 2nd episode of Virusdie videos. This time is about the roadmap and the progress of the entire project. I’ve just updated the Virusdie roadmap and now it is available on our landing. And here are some words I wanna tell you about upcoming releases, pipeline and about our activities. And about benefits you’ll get due that 🙂
Here is the 2nd episode
About the 2024-2025 Virusdie roadmap and the pipeline. By Ilia Malyshev – Founder and CEO at Virusdie since 2012! Watch Episode #2 on YouTube
Virusdie roadmap: https://virusdie.com/company/roadmap/
The next one episode is about technology and features 🙂
Website: https://virusdie.com
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Ilia Malyshev,
Founder and CEO at Virusdie.
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