Weekly Update | Bugfix pack for Virusdie SaaS
A bugfix pack for the websites firewall and billing system. Each week we publish updates and bug fixes to save more of your time and deliver more peace of calm to you 🙂
The same time we’re working hard on new features, products and the new generation of virusdie saas. Stay tuned!
1. Billing
– Can’t update your current plan on a higher plan (no action button to Update or Buy) – FIXED.
– If you cancel the subscription though billing section your subscription disables immediately and you loose all days with the service you can use Virusdie ’till the end of last subscription day paid – FIXED. YOUR PLAN KEEPS ACTIVE TILL THE DAY YOUR CANCELLED SUBSCRIPTION BEEN PAID FOR.
2. Website firewall
– Confusing statistics on a fourth out of four horisontal red graphs on Firewall section – FIXED. NO MORE SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITIES GRAPH THERE.
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