Virusdie module for ISPmanager integrated to REG.COM billing system
Virusdie’ automatic website malware removal technologies for VPS and Dedicated server stood available for biggest russian registrar and hosting provider REG.COM. We are so excited to announce that Virusdie module for ISPmanager that is based on Virusdie’ software and developed by biggest server control panel vendor in Eastern Europe ISPsystem company , now is available for REG.COM customers from hosting billing system directly.
Benefits and Features of Virusdie module for ISPmanager:
- It works with all server. Not just with one website on your server.
Start automatic scan or scheduled scan, remove threats and infections automatically with high accuracy. Website remains stable after automatic clenaup. - Automatic malware removal
Virusdie removes infected code fragments automatically from files with a high accuracy and add some code fragments if it needed. Or remove files if it needed. - Lot of threat types avilable
It lets you find and remove shells, backdoors, trojans, redirectors and malicilous code from PHP, HTML, JS, IMAGES and system files. - Unlimited. Flexible.
Start scans and removal processes any time you want along a service subscription. So your server ‘ll be happy to be clean and protected so you can go back to your own affairs.
The module is available for ISPmanager 5 server control panels.
Virusdie Team.