How to make some extra cash by offering website security? And what price do we recommend for end customers?
Did you know how much should your comprehensive site security services cost for your clients? Did you know, that with Virusdie you can generate some extra income for yourself and some peace of mind for your clients by keeping their sites free of malware? If no — just find our more from our Webinars.<>
Recommended prices for comprehensive website security services to your customers on your behalf. If you already got, that using Virusdie tools you can add your dirty job and get started providing comprehensive site security to your clients on your own and at your price. So here are the pricing rate we recommend you to offer to your clients:
Find out more from our Webinar and additional demo for White Label mode.
$35 /monthly and higher (or $450 /annually and higher) for website comprehensive security service for 1 website. It should include:
– Removal of existing malware infection (for already hacked sites);
– Professioal support;
– Daily scans;
– Firewall protection;
– Blacklist removal;
– Personal panel for client (recommended for most significant clients only);