Update | Massive file cleanup for slow servers
Did you know Virusdie may use two different scenarios to clean up a stack of infected files on your website? If automatic cleanup engine (an on-the-go cleanup during the scan feature) is off on your website, then, if malware found – you face with a Clean Up button. So then, if your web-server is not so fast and the number of files found are large – you may get a Proxy Error by a click on Clean Up button. So you can’t clean up your website automatically ‘cos your server can’t process such a number of files you need to clean up at once. And we fixed that!
How we solve that for you
Now, when you click on Clean Up button and Virusdie understands that there is a Proxy Error to the massive cleanup due to your server performance – it automatically turn On automatic cleanup feature on your website and start a new scan!
And what?
That means that Virusdie getting started scan your website again and clean up infected files on the go. Just a small part of your web-server resources needed for that process, so you server can do that – that means that Virusdie can clean up your website automatically!
Should automatic malware removal be always on?
Historically, with Virusdie, the on-the-go automatic cleanup process was the only process to clean up your websites infected with malware. Then some other scenarios were added, like Clean Up after the scan. And yes, we recommend you turn automatic cleanup always on to clean up your website on-the-go during the scan process. Do not worry, Virusdie is backed with the world’s safest autocleanup in the industry – so your websites runs stably after cleanup. The same time, you can always restore cleaned files by a click if you want.
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