JULY 18, 2023 | UPGRADE 173: Introducing the brand new tech support system and say bye-bye to the old user interface!
Hey, me pirates of Virusdie! This is the day we’ve been going to for past Year! Today we announcing the last puzzle of the new generation of Virusdie user interface (I mean the new support system) and say goodbye to the old user interface of Virusdie. Forever!
Introducing the brand new technical support system
The new tech support system was the last thing we should implement to move forward faster. Why? It is simple. When we have the basic option set for the new 5th generation of Virusdie, we can remove the old version of Virusdie user interface. So, that means we reduce the cost to serve 2 versions of Virusdie same time. That literally means that we can move twice faster in terms of new features development, bug fixes, updates, etc. in a Big Way! Plus our customers can focus on only one version of UI and send us feedback about that.
Now the new support system available to all our customers and you do not need to switch to the old UI to get the support! Basically, the new support looks like an updated old support, but it runs the new backend of the new Virusdie gen. 5. So that we can add ton of new features there! And we’ll add that within this week!
What available right now at new support?
– create ticket;
– unread ticket marker;
– email about new message from support (if you’re not logged in at Virusdie);
– jump to reply from email confirmation letter;
– automatic hints (coming);
– chatbot (coming);
What available for our team?
These are the really big thing we did to make support service faster and better for you! So the major updates are for our crew 🙂
– tag system;
– ticket grouping and trasferring;
– customer details right on top;
– quick answers (coming);
– quick actions (coming);
The old UI unavailable anymore
You can’t get the old user interface anymore. We answered here above about why we did that. Yep, we know that there are some cool features available at old UI. However, we’ll implement these features in improved way right on this new user interface. And I’ll personally introduce the roadmap about that this week!
Ilia Malyshev,
Founder and CEO at Virusdie.
Upcoming updates
– Multisite (5, 10, 20 sites and PRO plan tier) pivot roadmap release (this week);
– weekly bugfix packs;
– UI improvements;
– PRO plan tier features updates and improvements.
* all these available for new pre-beta Virusdie only! 🙂
Try Virusdie generation 5 pre-beta now
How to try Virusdie generation 5 pre-beta? It is simple — just click on big yellow button “TRY BETA” on top of your Virusdie dashboard! 🙂
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