Virusdie blacklist monitoring uptated to runs with data from 50+ famous antivirus services
As you may know some ago Virusdie stood an official partner and data provider to VirusTotal service (Google)? Now we share the external scan data of 150+ million URL’s to VirusTotal. So the same way most world famous and large antivirus services do like: Symantec, Comodo, Kaspersky, Phishtank, Yandex, the Google Safe Browsing and at last now Virusdie External Site Scan.
However, we did not hurry to build-in these options into our services. But recently we’ve built an ultimate blacklist check into our Virusdie’s Extension for ISPmanager and now it’s already available on Virusdie.com. So no you may get data from more than 50+ blacklist providers in your Virusdie’s dashboard.
Earlier, there just two blacklist data providers were available in our SaaS: Google Safe Browsing and Yandex Safe Browsing. But now you’ve got all from the list below:
ADMINUSLabs, AegisLab WebGuard, Alexa, AlienVault, Antiy-AVL, AutoShun, Avira Checkurl, BADWARE.INFO, Baidu-International, BitDefender, Blueliv, CRDF, C-SIRT, CLEAN MX, Comodo Site Inspector, CyberCrime, CyRadar, desenmascara.me, DNS8, Dr.Web Link Scanner, Emsisoft, ESET, Forcepoint ThreatSeeker, FortiGuard Web Filtering, FraudSense, G-Data, Google Safebrowsing, K7AntiVirus, Kaspersky URL advisor, Malc0de Database, Malekal, Malwarebytes hpHosts, Malwared, Malware Domain Blocklist, Malware Domain List, MalwarePatrol, Malwares.com, Netcraft, NotMining, OpenPhish, Opera, Palevo Tracker, Phishlabs, Phishtank, Quttera, Rising, Sangfor, SCUMWARE, SecureBrain, Sophos, Spam404, SpyEye, Tracker, Spamhaus, StopBadware, Sucuri SiteCheck, ThreatHive, Trend Micro Site Safety Center, Trustwave, urlQuery, Virusdie External Site Scan, VX Vault, Web Security Guard, Webutation, Wepawet, Yandex Safebrowsing, ZCloudsec, ZDB Zeus, Zeus Tracker, Zvelo (the list may be changed).
All blacklist status data in case of detection shows in a separate modal window.
To get more details just click on the skull image if it appears on the site block in your list.