REG.COM expands website security collaboration with Virusdie
REG.RU hosting-provider #1 in russian-speaking web announcing Virusdie’ expert worry-free complete website cleanup and protection with guarantee to whom have no enough skills or a time to use automatic website security tools.
REG.COM : 10+ years, 3 million servicing domains
REG.RU is the largest Russian registrar in the list of top ten registrars in Europe, and one of the top ten hosting companies in Russia. The company is also an active participant in developing the Internet in Russia. Among recent projects are included RU-voice, an online competition allowing users to choose the best Russian Internet site, a series of Simaphone 4.RF gadgets devoted to the Cyrillic domain, the .RF domain logo and corporate style available for free use by the Internet community, and one project that offers REG.RU clients discounts from leading companies and Internet shopping sites.
The new features for REG.COM customers
As a logical continuation of current REG.COM and Virusdie collaboration along automatic website malware removal service, REG.COM announcing the worry-free expert website security service to end customers. That means that you may purchase the complere manual or partly-manual website clenaup and protection by Virusdie’s security experts directly from REG.COM hosting panel. It matters in cases if automatic tools can’t find or solve the security issue — just forward the issue to Virusdie’s security experts and they ‘ll fix your website manually. Including backlist removal, unsuspending and 6 month guarantee as a minimum. If there’s ever an issue again along warranty period and auto removal tools can’t fix, Virusdie’s experts will repair it manually. With no additional fees.