FEB 6, 2024 | Sucuri CloudProxy and Amazon Cloudfront caused sync errors, now can be detected and fixed by sync Wizard!
Dear customers. There days we working hard to roll out and announce the huge part of the new Virusdie’ core. I mean – the new frontend system, plus new stable scanners and the brand new sidebar UX with activity log and other features that helps you save your time.
Meanwhile, a part of our team works on the other side of the service, to deliver more stability and add a portion of simplicity to UX scenarios. One of the potential problem is always a sync problem. A month ago some of new sources of sync issues were added at our new alert system – these are Imunify, Wordfence, Cloudflare and some other security solutions. That means, that now Virusdie can detect that one of these services is the source of the sync problem and show you recommendation how to fix that problem. This week we announcing two more services that our sync wizard can detect and help you resolve sync problems caused by them.
Sucuri CloudProxy and Amazon Cloudfront
Virusdie’ sync wizard now can detect if Sucuri CloudProxy or Amazon Cloudfront block connection to the sync file on your website.
You or your hosting provider may use one of these services. And if Virusdie’ nodes are not whitelisted you can face the sync problem. That case we’ll show you relevant alert with recommended actions to take, to fix this sync problem.
Upcoming release
The snapshot here blow shows you the new upcoming user interface update. You can find some tiny details there. They are tiny, but insanely significant for the entire Virusdie ecosystem 🙂
Hope, you found this update helpful 🙂
Ilia Malyshev,
Founder and CEO at Virusdie.
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