Patch manager update | Virtual patch management (or website hardening) now alive and always on by default!
At last, the great feature – website hardening (a virtual patch management) available with Virusdie! This feature is something in the middle between real patch management engine and the website firewall. So that helps you get some additional protection against attacks on your website vulnerabilities, even vulnerabilities in code are still on your website!
Before that, Virusdie website firewall used generic rules, automatic adaptive weights, behaviour analysis and AI only to protect your websites in real time against hacks and online attacks. Now, Virusdie website firewall engine linked with Virusdie real patch manager engine for better protection for your websites!
How it works?
Once vulnerability detection engine detect vulnerability on your website or a component (plugin, theme, etc.) and can’t patch that automatically, then engine sends alert to our cloud database about that. Then, our cloud database ( https://virusdie.com/company/base/ ) send specific extra rules to your website firewall to cover this vulnerability with virtual patch (website hardening).
How can I manage this BETA?
First we need to test that feature and make sure all virtual patch rules works fine. Then we’ll turn that in stable. You can turn on / off virtual patching on your Settings section for each website.
What about alerts about virtual patches?
You’ll get an email alert – we’ll send you email alert if virtual patch manager makes virtual patch on your website. And may view specific notification about virtual patch for each vulnerability right on Patch manager Tab for your website on your Virusdie dashboard.
What about pricing?
No additional cost. This feature available by default with WAF (web application firewall) on all paid plans.
Learn more on Helpdesk about what is: Virtual Patching (website hardening).
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