UPGRADE 165 | Pague com reais do Brasil – Boleto, PIX, PagSeguro, Cards! Means now you can pay for Virusdie subscription with Brazilian Reals!
Ola, amigos! Hey brave pirates of Virusdie community! What a great day Today! This is the day we start getting payments with Brazil Reals (Brasil reais)! Why that is important thing? It is simple. Previously, just USD (United States Dollar) was the only currency we receive payments. And that is not too convenient for our customers from Brazil, who have to convert their Reals into USD, so they lost some money on conversion. Due to conversion rates. More that, Brazil is one of our target markets so all our Brazilian customers want to pay with their convenient payment methods like: Boleto, PIX, etc. Available in Brazil only.
So, we’re launching the A/B test for this new Brazililan Reals payments for 2 months from now. Payment in reals available for a half new customers only, whose registration country is Brazil. PS. If you need to pay in Brazil Reals right now and you can’t find that currency on your Billing section – just ask our support to change your A/B-test status to get that option right now 🙂